The weather for the practise day looked marginal and rainy, but a task was set. I didn't spend too much time thinking strategy for the task. Shortly after briefing I headed to the "glider hospital. It was time to get to work on the instruments. The audio variometer wasn't working and I was missing a Flarm, both necessary instruments for this competition. After some time we were able to get the audio variometer working. If you talk to me at some point I would happy to give an oral impersonation of it, but I am afraid that typed letters will not do justice the unbearable nature of the sounds that were streaming out of it. After making some phone calls we finally found several working Flarms in the club's workshop. To track down a working variometer we had to drive to Bright, about 1.5 km away. Fortunately the day ended up being as marginal as predicted, and I didn't miss out on any good flying. Several competitors landed out, and several others did not set out very far on the task.
Right now the rain is pouring down on my caravan roof. The weather for today and the next few days looks pretty bleak. That being said I am going to go get ready for the day, anticipating the start of Contest Day 1.
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